Giada Abiendi studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan and at the Italian School of Opera in Bologna. She also graduated in New Media Art Design at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan.
She began to work as set designer signing the scenes for the stage I mangiatori di luce (Light Eaters), performed at Teatro dei Filodrammatici in Milan and for the show Monologhi di coppia (Couple’s monologues) at Scatola Magica of Piccolo Teatro in Milan.
After that, she started to work in Opera signed the scenes for Madama Butterfly by G. Puccini, directed by Fabio Ceresa, produced by Teatro Comunale in Bologna.
She has also signed scenes Livietta e Tracollo and La serva Padrona by G.B. Pergolesi as well as Pomme d'Api and Monsieur Choufleuri restera chez lui by Offenbach, directed by Stefania Panighini, coproduced by the Festival della Valle d'Itria, the Teatro Comunale in Bologna, the Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini and the Lugo Opera Festival. She collaborated with Teatro Sociale in Como signed scenes for Il Piccolo Flauto Magico and Verdi 2.00.
In Rome, she has designed the scenes for Passion Selon Sade by S. Bussotti, directed by Luca Bargagna, for Teatro dell'Opera di Roma at Auditorium Parco della Musica of Rome.
Recently, she designed La Bella Addormentata nel Bosco by O. Respighi, directed by Leo Muscato, for Teatro Lirico of Cagliari.
Recently, she designed Il Trovatore directed by Valentina Carrasco for the Teatro Lirico of Ascoli.
She has approached the world of musicals signed the scenes of Next To Normal directed by Saverio Marconi, Titanic, Evita, Ragtime and Love Story directed by Gianni Marras, Footloose directed by Mauro Simone, coproduced by Summer Musical Festival, Teatro Comunale in Bologna, Teatro Duse in Bologna and Piccolo Teatro del Baraccano.
She has worked as assistant set designer for Carmen directed by Valentina Carrasco at Caracalla- Opera di Roma, for Un ballo in maschera directed by Leo Muscato at Opera di Roma, for Boheme directed by Leo Muscato at Ventidio Basso Theatre of Ascoli Piceno, for FIGARO!Opera Camion directed by Fabio Cherstich and also for ArtLuxe Studio in London.
She has collaborated with Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini in Jesi, Teatro Sociale in Rovigo, Teatro Lugo Opera Festival,Teatro Comunale in Treviso, Teatro Due in Parma, Festival della Valle d'Itria in Martina Franca, Teatro Gioco Vita in Piacenza, Teatro dei Filodrammatici in Milano, Scatola Magica del Teatro Strehler, Art Luxe in London, Vertov Studio in Milano.
In 2018 starts in Rai as assistant set designer in different productions, such as Che tempo che fa,Che fuori tempo che fa, The voice Senior, Le parole della settimana, Presentazione del Giro d'Italia 2019, Best Brand 2019, Rai Radio and Detto Fatto.
Also she was, for a year, Coordinator set department of productions such as Sanremo Giovani 2019, Che tempo che fa, Le parole della settimana e Detto Fatto.